Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Rainforest Jumperoo Fun Videos and a Pic

Gabe and I bought this used from someone in Tokyo before Christmas. When we got back from the States she was definitely ready for it. Each time she uses it she loves it more and more. I love to see her smile!

Rainforest Jumperoo fun 1 from Musclecars & Meditation™ on Vimeo.

Rainforest Jumperoo fun 2 from Musclecars & Meditation™ on Vimeo.

Rainforest jumperoo fun 3 from Musclecars & Meditation™ on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

4 month photo

4 months old and our trip to the USA

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years vacation in the USA. We really enjoyed visiting with everyone. Violet loved being held by all her aunties and uncles. I can't believe it is already February!!! I cannot believe our little baby Violet is actually 4 months old now. I have been so bad about updating our blog lately....It's because I am having a wonderful time enjoying our beautiful baby girl. Each day I think, this is the last time she will look this small. Each day she is changing. She is growing so beautifully and perfectly right before our eyes. What a precious gift God has given us. We are thankful everyday that she is healthy.
Here are some updates....
Violet has turned over from her tummy to her back
She gives kisses
She smiles so sweetly (especially after a good nap)
She squeals with delight when daddy tickles her belly
She stands with assistance
She takes steps with assistance
She sits up in her Bumbo chair
She can do a great baby push up
And whether or not she actually meant it....she said Mama! on several separate occasions!
She loves weekends when her Dada is home all day. In fact she loves them so much that she won't nap ;)
She is outgrowing her bassinet
She is outgrowing some of her 0-3 month clothes
(mommy had to bag up the newborn sizes sniff sniff)
She smiles while doing pilates with mommy
She is an amazing gift and we love her so dearly!
Here are some pics from home