Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Golden Week: Day 5

Hey Everybody! This is Steph,
Here are some pics of days 4 of our Golden Week holiday!
I'vee included a-lot of links too.

On May 3rd we went to Geibikei Gorge (pronounced like our names Gabe e kay)! It was a beautiful day. At Geibikei you ride down the gorge in wooden boats and the man polling the boat sings some old Japanese songs to you. It is really relaxing and the scenery is gorgeous! It was our second time to go there, but this time it was spring instead of autumn....very nice.

After headind up river 30 min., they let you off the boat to go to check out the cliffs. Then, yeou head back downstream.

Here is Dad getting ready to eat some salted and barbequed Ayu (sweetfish). He practically ate the whole thing!

Above and to the the right are pics from inside a shop that was in Geibikei that sold handmade Japanese washi paper goods. They had beautiful lamps and artwork.

Then we drove to another town nearby called Hiraizumi. There we went to Chusonji to see the Golden Temple and many other temples in the complex. There were so many people there but it was still peaceful and very beautiful.

These to the left are ema.

Below are omikuji (fortune prayer papers) tied to tree. These are present at Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines

Above is a shot of us in front of a very old Noh theatre stage
Here is Gabe standing under a tori (gate indicating a sacred Shinto area)

If you are interested, wikipedia has a lot of good info on Religion in Japan.

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