Monday, July 17, 2006

Japanese Cheerleading "Ouen" (おうえん / 応援)

Well, it's baseball season in Japan and that means that all high schoolers here are bussed far and wide to cheer their teams. Baseball is the biggest sport in high schools and the summer cheering trips are probably the biggest thrill for the students all year. Today, Steph and I travelled on charter buses with teachers and students from Sumita High School to cheer our baseball team.

It rained the whole time but it was a real blessing to be able to cheer Sumita High for third and possibly last time. One really neat thing is that the schools cheer their opposing team before and after the game. It's really honorable and pretty cool to see. Baseball, and all sports are cheered in quite a different way here...
Below is a clip from cheering our kids while at bat. Check it out!

Japanese Cheerleading "Ouen" (おうえん / 応援):

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