Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fall 2013 Pictures

An October day at the park

Violet wanted to push Mommy

The painting Kitty

practicing her kanji

Loving on Mommy before school

getting ready in the mornings is always a challenge for mommy. but somehow we all make it out the door dressed and with our tummies full.

trying on one of mommy's carriers The Tonga (I pinned it up in the back but it didn't work very well.)

A fall day in Sumita at the park

the many faces of Violet

helping Jiji tend to the fire

Violet was helping Jiji say wood in English

taking a walk in Tono

the colors were gorgeous

taking about pine cones

Daddy and Jiji swing

There is an apple orchard near the Yoshida's house.

they have a barn with cows too.

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Who is taller? Me or the apple?

beautiful leaves

piggy back ride from Daddy

They found a lone sunflower still growing in October

The owners of the orchard came out and gave us some apples to eat.

and one to take home.

Under the rainbow

Before we went to her open house at her preschool she wanted to sing her sunny song.
 Violet's Sunny song goes like this....
I love it when it's sunny
I love it when it's sunny
Ah Ahhhh

as she sings it she dances around in a circle. Then at the ah ahh part she kneels down and raises out her arms. She likes to wait to see if a butterfly will fly by. She says butterflies are Grandma Pam coming by to say hello. In the seasons where butterflies are out we ask each other after school each day if we saw any butterflies and how many.

playing in the blocks at her school open house

The kids painted on these clear plastic sheets. Then they attached them to playground equipment to make a tunnel of their art. It was so neat!

Who says you can't climb a tree in a dress?

Our little Tree Hugger

Violet's buddy Yuse

We sometimes play the silly monster drawing game. One person is the caller. First you call out a color, then a number, then a body part. The drawers have to draw what is called out. In the end you have a silly monster! I play this game at my elementary schools sometimes. Violet loves it!

Daddy's monster is on the left. Mommy's is on the right

One of Violet's monsters

and another. Except the picture is sideways and I can't seem to turn it around.

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